Location: Eastern North America
Specific Gravity: 0.50
Weight: 2.61 lb/bf, 500 kg/m3
Texture/Grain: Coarse, open
Pattern: Straight, irregular, interlocking
Hardness: Soft
Strength: Medium
Tangential Stability: 9.5%
Radial Stability: 4.2%
Working with Hand Tools: Difficult
Working with Power Tools: Difficult
Gluing: Adequate
Finishing: Adequate
Uses: Bentwood furniture, chair seats, boats, barrels, baskets, coffins, wagon wheels.
Comments: Easy to bend, resists shock. Inner bark has both nutritional and medicinal uses. Also known as "Slippery Elm."
Tung Oil Orange Shellac Polyurethane Lacquer Acrylic