Location: Western North America
Specific Gravity: 0.32
Weight: 1.67 lb/bf, 320 kg/m3
Texture/Grain: Medium to coarse, closed
Pattern: Straight
Hardness: Very Soft
Strength: Very Weak
Tangential Stability: 5.0%
Radial Stability: 2.4%
Working with Hand Tools: Very Easy
Working with Power Tools: Very Easy
Gluing: Excellent
Finishing: Good
Uses: Doors, windows, trim, siding, shingles, beehives, outdoor furniture and construction.
Comments: Brittle, splits easily. Acid in wood attacks iron and steel fasteners. Resists decay. Sawdust is potential sensitizer.
Tung Oil Orange Shellac Polyurethane Lacquer Acrylic