Location: Southeastern North America
Specific Gravity: 0.43
Weight: 2.24 lb/bf, 430 kg/m3
Texture/Grain: Coarse, open
Pattern: Straight
Hardness: Very Soft
Strength: Weak
Tangential Stability: 6.7%
Radial Stability: 3.4%
Working with Hand Tools: Very Easy
Working with Power Tools: Very Easy
Gluing: Excellent
Finishing: Excellent
Uses: Furniture, antique restoration, veneer.
Comments: Since early 1900s, fungus attacks most trees leaving "wormholes." Stock is severely depleted due to fungus. Very high in tannic acid, corrodes metal fasteners and hardware.
Tung Oil Orange Shellac Polyurethane Lacquer Acrylic